Tara + Javier // Canyon, CA // Pi Day

TaraJavierWedding-28 My first solo wedding, ahhhhhh!! Tara and Javier could have not been more of the perfect couple for me to officially kick off Chelsea Dier Photography Weddings. Their love for each other and their community is infectious and they made my job easy. I love every photo of them and they are all my favorite!  The last two I posted may be my extra favorites... Models for sure. SO much love to you Tavie, thank you for trusting me!! TJWedding5 TJWedding4TJWeddingTJWedding6TJWedding10TJWedding2TJWedding7TJWedding9TJWedding12TaraJavierWedding-14TJWedding11 TJWedding8TJwedding14 TJwedding15 TJwedding16TJwedding13