thank you

>Today we left work to watch the game, just like last week. Germany won! The final game is on Sunday. Today there were weather difficulties, so we only saw parts of the game. A bit frustrating, but we did see the goals- Germany's more importantly :) Sunday should be fun!

DC is having the Smithsonian Folk Festival till July 6th and Texas is a main sponsor, and so happens to want TIES to have our conference there, so last night, Erika, Miakel and I went to the kick-off, invite-only gathering hosted by the Governor of Texas and his wife. We went more for the experience and Texan margaritas (just a benefit, actually!). There weren't many people there that we should of met. It was interesting to go to- everything is beneficial. We did talk to one guy whom name tag said he was with NASA, but his friend was actually the one associated with NASA. Erica and I small talked with him through the event, and he is now well educated about eco-tourism and TIES. There were 2 live bands, one being country, which I am not a big fan off... but I survived.

At TIES we're starting to get more into the conference. One of my big jobs is to get donations for the Eco-Auction. I am striving to blow them out of the water. I really want to prove that I can do it. I finally met the last staff member of TIES. She has been in Costa Rica for the past 2 weeks and got back this week. I'm loving the staff! Jumping ahead of myself, I cannot wait to see the final product of the conference (everyone does, I know)... it is going to be a great moment.

It's almost already been 3 weeks in DC! I need to make use of my weekend time because before I know it, I'm going to be going home. This weekend I plan to see some sights... and pictures will follow :)

To my family who reads this, I am highly considering coming to Sunriver! I will keep you updated with the final decision... but I am leaning towards yes. When are we going to be together like this again? :)

To everyone, thank you for the support.
And I have realized how much I really appreciate a few of you and that you'll always be there. Vise-versa.