DC to Sunriver


Picture from the last time we were all together in Sunriver :)

I have officially decided to cut my time short in DC and meet up with my family in Surviver, Oregon. Today I changed my plane ticket. My family, included my 2 aunts and uncles and cousins and Nana+Bob will all be together, and I didn't like the idea of being the only one who wouldn't be there. And I don't know the next time we will be able to be all together again... and Sunriver has always been a family place for our family. Many memories there from many past years. I haven't been there in a while, so it will be great to visit again. Sunriver=family time. My aunts live in San Francisco and Hawaii, so this is a rare occasion to have both their families and mine in one place. I am very excited and it will be a great way to top off my DC adventures.

New dates: I am leaving DC August 17th and will be in Sunriver till around the 22nd.

Another note of exciting news- my Nana got engaged last night to her boyfriend Bob! Very exciting news and it's going to be great. (Nana, we are all very excited, obviously!) Love you!

Today was very hot, humid and raining! Start of the DC summer. This weekend I hope to do some sightseeing, remembering to go to the farmer's market I forgot about last weekend, attending a PINK party for my boss' girlfriends b-day party and maybe catching some of the Euro 2008 final game. Oh and trying to catch up on some sleep.

it's official :)
Bio on TIES webpage
and I was trying to log into my work e-mail to attach the other bio, but it wasn't working.

Yesterday I did an interview with a reporter from the Seattle PI asking about Crooked Trails, which is the company I did the Peru trip through. We talked about the trip, Crooked Trails and their mission/practices and what I learned. The reporter is doing an article on Crooked Trails and a separate one about eco-tourism and items relating to it. I liked talking about my trip because it brought back all the memories and how much I enjoyed the trip and gained from it. Now I will plug them- I would definitely recommend them if you want to do an adventure-based trip :)

Have a great weekend and love to all