I've been meaning to update this for a few days... somehow the time just disappears.
I'm wrapping up my first week of the internship! My first Friday and I get to work from my apartment. There was a fire in the metro this morning that was causing up to 60min. delays and then there was a power outage around the area I work, so my building doesn't have power. So essentially, we're all working from home. Not too shabby.
This week I have been working on small projects and familiarizing myself with everything. Once Erica starts, which is this coming Monday, we will split up the conference tasks, allowing us to concentrate on specific areas. The TIES office is made up of 4 full-time staff, 1 part-time and 2 interns. Very small, but TIES manages to be the oldest and biggest ecotourism society. Biggest in the sense of international connections, contacts and presence. The staff I have met so far are fairly young and all diverse. German, Japanese and Brazilian. This is going to be such a great experience and I cannot wait to really get involved... and then see the final product!
I have explored DC a little more since last weekend. Yesterday I went to this area called Adams Morgan which has a street lined with restaurants and bars/clubs. One of my roommates met me there and we had dinner at 'The Reef.'
This weekend I think I am going to the National Mall and do some more sightseeing. And maybe try to make a friend or two... It is a little tough I think because people at this age already have their 'group' and don't really need to reach out and make more friends. I'm trying and I'm sure something will come out of it.
My roommates and I have been hanging out a little more now. We seem to be home during the nights together, so we talk over reality tv. Kat and I have hung out a few times. Hope we continue to hang out.
I am slowly getting used to the time difference and the heat/humidity (but I don't think one ever gets completely used to it). We have had a few cooler days (a mere 85deg.--which to the people at home are probably wishing for!) and those make it actually enjoyable to go outside. BUT... I'm not complaining because I don't want to be in 50deg. raining weather! :)
Love you all!