Brrr... — Chelsea Dier Photography | Bay Area Wedding & Family Photographer


This week has been fairly cool compared to the rest of the time I have been here. I have seen it rain 3 times within one week... but, unlike WA, it only rains for a few minutes, AND, it isn't freezing while it rains. That makes me miss home so much... ;) And I have actually turned off the AC because it was too chilly. BUT, I'm sure that won't last for long. Today at TIES we figured out a majority of the tasks that need to be done for the conference and assigned them between Erica and I. We are going to be busy, busy. We are mostly planning the whole conference, aside from getting sponsorships and the big planning. I am excited even this early in the planning to see the finished product. Erica is going to be a great person to work with on the conference. We have been getting along really well and I think we will actually hang out. Phew.. everything has been working out so well for me. I was apprehensive coming here because I am living in an apartment found on Craigslist and didn't know anything about the city. But, knock on wood, I haven't had any negative run-ins or problems. And TIES is amazing... great people, experience and resume builder :) And we eat lunch at the park across from the White House most days of the week... how many people get to say that? Jill, my advisory/teacher, felt this was meant to be, and I think it is. One of the big clues is that the conference just happens to be in Vancouver, BC this year. Could it get any closer? It's a mere 40 min. away from Bellingham.

I figured out that Ryan will be able to visit me at the end of my internship in August! Which will be perfect because we will have a week to do whatever and see everything and take in the last of DC!

Love you all